Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Chips, Salsa, and the Spirit!

I kind of had a revelation. I was sitting here eating chips with salsa and and I had a thought. I couldn't really taste the flavor of the Dorrito sweet spicy chili chips with the salsa. I think it's the same way with the spirit. We can't feel the spirit if we have strong emotions. Strong emotions drown out the feelings of the spirit. We have to be calm in our thinking and free of the distractions of the world to really feel the spirit. We have to constantly refocus our thoughts or we will be drowned out by the salsa of the world.

Friday, August 30, 2013

How do we know truth?

How do we know truth? The world measures truth by observable means. If something can’t be seen or objectively proven it is not accepted as truth. There is another way. By the Holy Ghost. What is the Holy Ghost? The Holy Ghost is the third member of the godhead. God is our father, Jesus Christ is our savior, and the Holy Ghost is our teacher. It teaches us “the truth of all things(John 14:26)”. How does it teach us truth? Through our “mind and heart ” or our thoughts and feelings. What feelings does it give us? “love, joy, peace, gentleness, goodness, and faith (Gal 5:22)”. To the world this may seem like a subjective method of determining truth but it does not make it any less valid a means of determining truth. This is the way god communicates to us. “His communication to our spirit carries far more certainty than any communication we can receive through our natural senses.” If you want to know if something is true, pray and the Holy Ghost will tell you.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Another week

Life is good. The stresses of the mission are still getting to me but things are getting better. I'm growing everyday. Sometimes I get frustrated being around a companion 24/7 but that's something i'll have to get used to. Being a Facebook missionary is fun. I don't teach nearly as many lessons as my companion does but I still enjoy sharing spiritual messages with them in posts.

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Well, it's another day on the mission. It's Saturday today. I don't know what to say. He might be watching. bye.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Good talk by pres. Monson

I was reading a talk by Thomas S. Monson called "The race of life" and there was an excerpt in it that struck me. It reads:The Apostle Paul told the Athenians on Mars’ Hill that “we are the offspring of God.”2 Since we know that our physical bodies are the offspring of our mortal parents, we must probe for the meaning of Paul’s statement. The Lord has declared that “the spirit and the body are the soul of man.”3 Thus it is the spirit which is the offspring of God. The writer of Hebrews refers to Him as “the Father of spirits.”4 The spirits of all men are literally His “begotten sons and daughters.”5 
I like the one reference that referred to "the father of our spirits".  Furthermore we have had afathers of our flesh which bcorrectedus, and we gave them creverence: shall we not much rather be indsubjection unto the eFather of fspirits, and live?
I think that would be a good one to share with people about how god is our father and we are his spirit children.

why we are here:

  • Tested
  • Prepare
  • Body 
  • Choices
  • Learn 
  • Experience
  • Prove
  • Opposition

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First mission blog post!

This is my new mission blog. I want to talk about my mission experience and share the things that I learn and that are important to me. I want to see how I grow and develop over these next 2 years. I've already been out on my mission for about a month now. Time has gone by fast already. I'm learning and growing so much everyday. It is very difficult at times but it is worth it. Just recently-2 days ago-our mission got permission to use Facebook as a proselyting tool. I'm very exited about these new changes. We live in a technological world where everybody is connected. It only makes sense to go where the people are. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to use Facebook as missionary tool. I've contacted individual people but that doesn't seem very effective. Some of these people I've never talked to before and it seems kind of strange to just contact them out of the blue. We are allowed to use Facebook from the times of 1-5 pm. It feels like a long time. I want to be productive but it's kind of hard to sit for this long period of time. At times I can't really think and focus. I should probably get up and walk around. My companion plays a lot of music which kind of irritates me. Well, I will check back in tomorrow.