Saturday, August 10, 2013

First mission blog post!

This is my new mission blog. I want to talk about my mission experience and share the things that I learn and that are important to me. I want to see how I grow and develop over these next 2 years. I've already been out on my mission for about a month now. Time has gone by fast already. I'm learning and growing so much everyday. It is very difficult at times but it is worth it. Just recently-2 days ago-our mission got permission to use Facebook as a proselyting tool. I'm very exited about these new changes. We live in a technological world where everybody is connected. It only makes sense to go where the people are. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to use Facebook as missionary tool. I've contacted individual people but that doesn't seem very effective. Some of these people I've never talked to before and it seems kind of strange to just contact them out of the blue. We are allowed to use Facebook from the times of 1-5 pm. It feels like a long time. I want to be productive but it's kind of hard to sit for this long period of time. At times I can't really think and focus. I should probably get up and walk around. My companion plays a lot of music which kind of irritates me. Well, I will check back in tomorrow.


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